Registration and Submission

In case of any problems please feel free to contact Technical Support team:

Regular papers are 6-8 pages.
We currently only accept documents in TEX format.
Please, use the provided LaTeX template for Engineering Proceedings (MDPI).

Registration fees
Full registration:
Additional paper (1 paper max):
350 euros
175 euros
Student registration: 250 euros
Guest registration (without publication of paper): 200 euros
*The fee will be charged in Russian rubles. Prices in EUR are given for reference and are approximate and based on the current rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Any commission for bank transfer are paid by participants.

Payment Information:

    For AGREEMENT, BANK TRANSFER details or INVOICE details (for Russian participants) contact:

What is included in the registration:

Due to hybrid format of INTELS’22 ALL registration fees include access to ALL plenary and technical sessions, electronic conference proceedings, coffee breaks during offline sessions, and Welcome Reception on December 14, 2022.

    • Each paper must have at least one REGISTRATION.
    • STUDENT REGISTRATION is valid, if authors are PhD students and/or students only.